Supporting Scholarship, Education and Advocacy to the Green Industry
LINLA Highlights from 2022
After 90 Years, you would think we had seen it all.
But our industry changes and evolves, and LINLA changes and evolves with it. Here is a brief summary of the events and benefits LINLA provided in 2022.
​Twilight Tours, East & West - Two fantastic tours (Bridge Gardens / Planting Fields Arboretum) that informed and inspired 89 industry professionals.
Fishing Trip, Bass and Blues out of Captree - Another fantastic evening on the waters of Long Island: fun, friends, and fishing.
18th Annual Golf Outing - A successful event and enjoyable day on the links for 136 professionals from around the industry.
Professionals of the Year Honoring LIHREC - Our 56th event celebrated the scientists and professionals of the Lab with over 140 attendees from all segments of the Hort and Ag communities.
Grants & Scholarships - The yearly program awarded; 4 Innovation Grants and 4 Academic Scholarships, totaling nearly $19,000. Made possible by successful events and LINLA’s investment accounts.
Facilities Tour, Coby Comes to LI - For the 3rd time, first-year Cobleskill students spent 4 days visiting 13 Horticultural facilities on Long Island. Supported by LINLA Grants.
CNLP Review and Testing - Twenty-two professionals attended training classes and the program graduated 9 New CNLPs.
Day of Service - Member companies donated time, staff, and equipment to help Planting Fields Arboretum prepare an overgrown area for the installation of a new collection of Broadleaf Evergreens.
Honoring Fritz Schaefer - The Schaefer family was joined by industry professionals to honor Fritz’s contributions to the industry and the family’s donation to the Scholarship fund.
Invasive Species - Follow up with NYSDAM on the state of the Invasive Species Regulations as it comes up for review.
Blower Bans - Letters, conversations and guidance regarding the gas-powered equipment regulations in Southampton Town, Southampton Village, Bellport, and East Hills Villages.
Informing Members of the ongoing threat of; Beech Leaf Disease, Spotted Lanternfly, Box Tree Moth and other pests and diseases.
Helping Promote; DEC’s Clean Sweep program, NALP’s H2B seminar, and NYCAMH’s Respirator Fit Test opportunities.
Supporting Hands-on Classes at Landcraft Garden Foundation.
Being an Active Member of our Community - Attending the Long Island Leader's Forum hosted by LIHREC and providing Letters of Support to the Suffolk County Legislature to continue funding vital to Cornell Cooperative Extension programs.